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2005-04-07 22:15:44
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Welcome to an actual meaningful wiki.
yea thats right.not some pointless wiki dedicated to bananas or something.
this is for members of elftown who are sick of inmature children who have nothing to meaningful to say.this is here for members to discuss their philisophies on art,society,human behavior,etc.
if you want to join message me.
1.[Ilivethelushlife]no autographs today.
2.[Sleeping Dictionary] Society is a b*tch. I wish i could live in a godamn tree house in the middle of the rain forest where no one can bug me.
3.[Little Red Riding Hoodrat]
5.[The Sylvan Sorcerer]
6.[ill be your number 1 with a bullet]
7.[I'll Make You Tremble]
8.[MacaroNI ANd ChLORIne]
11.[confused daisy]
12.[Blue Raspberries and Grape Juice]
High Art
By Rebecca Fox
Walking through New York City, heads bow when trekking up subway stairs, loud conversations get tuned out, and it’s easy to miss an encouraging sign.

This self-made distance from our surroundings is partly why Stanford Kay’s installation, “Life Signs,” makes a strange sort of sense in Union Square Park. Consisting of six neon green, diamond-shaped placards of steel, the installation sends up traffic sign directives by suggesting intimate actions instead. The silhouettes on Kay’s signs instruct bystanders more through gesture than action. In one, an adult stoops to adjust a child’s shoelace. In another, two apparent businessmen engage in what appears to be relaxed conversation; one is raising an arm in casual gesticulation while the other listens, hands in his pockets.

According to the New York City Parks Department, hundreds of temporary artworks have been exhibited in City parks since 1967. Their placement has depended largely upon the “safety and durability of the artwork” in addition to its “suitability to the site.”

So why Life Signs in Union Square? “Initially, I wanted to put [Life Signs] on the streets, but the Department of Transportation didn’t like that idea. So I went to the Parks Department and they diddles,” Kay says. Upon installing the work in Union Square, which, to Kay, is “very connected to the street,” the artist realized Life Signs could function well there.

For Henry Choi, Director of Public Affairs at the Union Square Building and Development District, Life Signs works in Union Square for the opposite reason. He likens the park to St. Patrick’s Cathedral, citing both as places where visitors can experience a “very distinct change of atmosphere in an instant.” Choi says, “You’re almost washed of the urban life that you had half a block before, and so when you’re in there, you quickly ascertain a different geographic perspective of where you are.”

As Choi sees it, being stripped of one’s urban identifiers is crucial to the onlooker’s absorption of Life Signs. “When you’re in that kind of oasis, it’s both funny and informative that a sign that’s made in the image of a traffic sign. You’re allowed to play with symbology or signage or semiotics and you understand it as maybe a goof or maybe a takeoff on your regular life,” he says. He believes in urban oases like St. Patrick’s or Union Square Park, “you can become a little more introspective about your own life,” an inward look fostered by “Life Signs.”

Not all introspection leads to clarity, and a lack of comprehension on the part of the viewer is something Kay has taken in stride upon mounting “Life Signs” in Union Square. “Less than half, but a good proportion of people wanted to know what the piece was about, what it was connected to- was there an event? They wanted an explanation,” says Kay. The rest were content to assign their own meaning to the work, which was Kay’s intent. “That was kind of interesting, to see who wants to take a leap of imagination and who wants to be told what they’re looking at,” he says.

Kay’s willingness to keep “Life Signs” open to viewers’ interpretation might have stemmed from his perception of the typical Union Square viewer. “I got the feeling there are a lot of design and photography kind of businesses around there,” Kay says, “so I felt it was kind of sophisticated on one hand, and a young crowd on one hand.”

Sophistication doesn’t really concern Choi so much as whether there is a crowd to absorb “Life Signs.” For him, the presence of public art is vital to enhancing the character of the Union Square neighborhood. “It doesn’t matter if you like it, dislike it- it’s art for the sake of creating ideas in the viewers’ minds,” says Choi. “That occurs, and I think that there’s a communications aspect. You see the artwork, you’re immediately taken somewhere else- you like it, you dislike it, you hate it, you love it. And then your next step is to actually tell someone else. Once you start doing that, you start increasing the interaction of urban living,” says Choi.

Upping the level of interaction is always a boon to neighborhood developers, but it assumes the mantle of hallowed tradition in the Union Square neighborhood. Part of the district’s lore and lure is its reputation for being a point of origin for political and civic expression. As Choi puts it, “If you live in the city, you understand that if there is some sort of voicing of people’s concerns, there’s a very good chance that an organizational point will be in Union Square.”

Layering public art upon Union Square’s historical and contemporary identity yields not only a more tempting neighborhood, from a business perspective, but perpetuates the sense that the park is part of a larger cultural institution. “That sort of public engagement that these previous epochs have infused the park with, I think that art or cultural installations are just a natural extension of,” says Choi.

Watching people conduct the banal activities of their daily lives, below “Life Signs’” depictions of similarly mundane activities, Union Square park still illustrates how connectedness can elevate the ordinary to inspirational. In that sense, Kay succeeded in his goal of getting “regular laypeople exposed to it, in their own environment.” Given the history of public expression that characterizes the Union Square environment, Kay’s greatest coup might have with the park users for whom “Life Signs” eventually receded from view, immersed as they were with their own worlds, causes, and unremarkable efforts at living.

-Rebecca Fox

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2005-01-16 [Ilivethelushlife]: wow sean you're so opinionated.awesum.just the kinda thing i want in this wiki.

2005-01-16 [The Sylvan Sorcerer]: lol sean...I am unfortunate enough to have lived in a village for a while (thank god not too long). I can't stand the interference...ppl telling u how to dress, how to smile, what to eat etc etc I just told them to stuff it at some point. I'm not one of these community ppl and I cannot stand interference. Otherwise it becomes a situation like Everybody Loves Raymond. The worst part is the sexism (anti-feminism even...which sucks IMO), homophobia and complete anti-intellectualism...all features common to them...why be so stuffy anw? I mean don't ppl like that ever get sick of it?

2005-01-17 [Little Red Riding Hoodrat]: oh, on the contrary, i wish people were even more stuffy. if by stuffy you mean stuck up, that's wonderful. the more they think of themselves, the more they ignore us miscreants who are deemed as lower on their moral totem pole. give me a snooty suburban socialite waif over a back woods deer hunter with a dislike for faggots. but see, here we have a rival of the two american cultures we see most often: the elitist, and the hic. both are against our lifestyle, but in very different ways. the elistists see the power in making face, meanign they knwo when to keep their mouths shut, when to put on airs. they never know who's watchign them, but they're expecting that everyone is, so they act upon

2005-01-17 [Little Red Riding Hoodrat]: that instinct and behave in a generally civilized manner. the hics... they just don't give a fuck. simple as that. theyd on't care what you are, as long as you're white, straight, meat-eating and pro-arms, you're kin. it's strange, how such a common hatred can be manifested in such different forms, but hey... this is the melting pot.

2005-01-17 [Little Red Riding Hoodrat]: and thanks, zac. most tend to get sick of opinions after some time though... ;)

2005-01-17 [The Sylvan Sorcerer]: Hmm yes...though I wouldn't label them as elite. Why? They lack education. Educated people are rarely homophobic as they realise the philosophical value of a human being and that you cannot effectively argue a homosexual person being of less value than a heterosexual for numerous reasons. Well, in Europe and South Africa to my knowledge this is how we distinguished the elite from those who are merely upper class. Something else to you prefer honesty or formality? With those who just want to keep face you never know how you stand before them...they could backstab you at any point. So you could befriend an enemy which has no intentions of helping you (sounds like politics lol)

2005-01-17 [The Sylvan Sorcerer]: Anyway by stuffy I meant so caught up in religious and social preconceptions...anyway I myself am elitist, and so I share your distaste for the hicks...although I don't appreciate the dishonesty on part of the so-called elite...I think the only way for a gay person to actually be respected is to gain power themselves (using the so-called elite if need be hehe :P )...god how come most women are so much more advanced in thought than men? They get this stuff at least...maybe because they were opressed more thing about the elitist hypocrites I must say tho is that they abhore mistreating gay ppl due to their sensitivities...which is good...hicks don't care, as you said.

2005-01-18 [Little Red Riding Hoodrat]: well, a true elite is no threat if you know how to play against them. the firts step is knowing their fake plastic people who don't give a shit about you at all, and the next step is to feel the same way, and paint your smile on just a little bit wider and brighter. and here, the definitions of elite and upper class are quite different. if you have money, you're "upper class." being elite means you have more money, and that you actually use it. or at least know how. when i become rich soemday, i'm going to buy and sell my way to the top. like martha. now MARTHA is elite. upper class? that would be julia child. get what i'm saying now? ;)

2005-01-18 [The Sylvan Sorcerer]: Yah I see :P hmm hence the virtue of the capitalist system...u can work ur way to the top n trample on the ppl who get in ur way :) who is martha anw? :P lol well here as I said elite means an aristocrat or at least a refined upper middle class person (either by heritage or by working their way to wealth)...the nouveau rich would be like ur upper class....aristocrats would be like the Rothschilds or wealthy families etc...the nouveau rich (ppl who get rich merely by inheritance yet lack any form of breeding or got rich fast without working for it) are looked down upon, and quite rightly, because they are parvenu snobs who are far more pretentious than those with the real wealth and power

2005-01-18 [The Sylvan Sorcerer]: so basically aristocrat/ elite = good...nouveau rich...not South Africa we had similar distinctions...on this stupid little island I am on now they have the same problem as the USA...the elite and upper class (credit card culture...plastic ppl)...I can't stand them....yet its good to know how to use them :) soon ill be going to the uk tho :D Oh well I wanna get rich too, and hopefully not fit into the category of nouveau rich.....btw how do u guys see Bush? I mean he is such an idiot and he is rich...he is like an elite hick...I mean omg...thinks he's da bomb or smt but he's totally clueless :S openly anti- gay and a complete fool...

2005-01-18 [Little Red Riding Hoodrat]: okay, so i knew i'd have to explain bush to someone sooner or later, but um, it's still kinda difficult to do. bush is not the idiot most imagine himt o be, still an idiot, don't get me wrong. but i'm sorry my fellow gays and intelligent americans, you cannot tell me that you actually believe someone to have come from such a wealthy family and not be well educated? bush is a yale graduate. int his country, and far beyond, that stands for something at least. the man's family is money with a capital CHA-CHING. ugly, texan and bafoonish as they are, they're still cash flow. not exactly the kennedys, but the kennedys were from new england, not the lone star state. there's a total difference in

2005-01-18 [Little Red Riding Hoodrat]: cultures there. and now, you ask me who is Martha. Martha Stewart, domestic diva. the portrait of american perfection in the subject of homemaking. the very ruler of home economics. multi-billion dollar empire based on magazines, cookbooks, gardenign shit, homemaking shit, decor, television shows, christmas specials with cyndi lauper, INSANITY, my friend. then she got caught doing a little insider trading and now she's in prison."and that's a good thing."

2005-01-18 [Ilivethelushlife]: i think ill create an elitist wiki.

2005-01-18 [Little Red Riding Hoodrat]: ooo, fun! i wanna join!!! i'm an elitist snob all the way!

2005-01-18 [Ilivethelushlife]: ditto!!!!!

2005-01-19 [MacaroNI ANd ChLORIne]: Okay The thing about Bush...he isen't neccissarilly an Idiot or a dumbass, it's just that he's a politcian and all of them are like little wind up dolls...they all try and better the country with what they think is right...and the thing is People have different views on how the country should be honestly with all the presidents we've had you'd say all this stuff about them because of somthing that you're opinionated about.

2005-01-19 [Little Red Riding Hoodrat]: actually, you're right in saying there will always be complaints about what a president does in office. but my real complaint with bush is his very ettiquite. when i saw him during an interview at camp david, and he actually (in front of live cameramen) took the sleeve of his short sleeved polo shirt, and wiped his mouth on it. that was so uncouth. the way he sounds uneducated, even without the accent. he is not sophisticated at all. i miss the days of the kennedys, when america had some class.

2005-01-19 [MacaroNI ANd ChLORIne]: well yeah I get that....The kennedy's were no more than good classy people but America as of today is run by rednecks and losers that don't know how to run a country...and people just vote because they fell obligated to..but, they don't really feel that the person running the country actually can

2005-01-19 [Little Red Riding Hoodrat]: well, if it were upt o me, we'd handle things like they did in france bakc int he day. guillotine and peasants revolting against the extremly wealthy!!!

2005-01-19 [MacaroNI ANd ChLORIne]: well yeah if it were up to me then I would seriously try and make everyone happy but it's not like that would happen you're always going to have your shitty ass protesters and the bitches who think they could do it better.

2005-01-19 [Little Red Riding Hoodrat]: i'd be able to rule with an iron fist. trust me. americans are easy. they're sheep. show them enough thong and they're like putty.

2005-01-19 [MacaroNI ANd ChLORIne]: well yeah Americans are easy to corrupt and what not but then again some can be very respectable good people.

2005-01-19 [Little Red Riding Hoodrat]: the ones who paint the best facades usually are. i've lost my faith that there are any good people. i've actually lost my hope for good people. bad people are much more fun. hehehe.

2005-01-19 [MacaroNI ANd ChLORIne]: well yeah high five to that...but you see the people that you'd find respectable are always the one doing better for the society and not having any fun.

2005-01-19 [Little Red Riding Hoodrat]: oh, they have their fun. no one is without their secret corruption. they just manage time and multi-task. the ones who are really giving and ambitious in any community are the ones snorting their perfect children's ADD meds. ;)

2005-01-19 [Ilivethelushlife]: hey did u wanna join one armed scissor?

2005-01-19 [MacaroNI ANd ChLORIne]: yeah sure

2005-01-19 [Little Red Riding Hoodrat]: cool. and zac thought it would be only me and him. ;) so why is zac being all silent?

2005-01-19 [The Sylvan Sorcerer]: I would join too for bush being clever PUH-LEASE....he got to Yale with daddy's money and reputation, finished with a third class degree and is now considered educated...pfeh...I would like to see Hillary Clinton ruling...she has class and she is really really intelligent. Bush on the other hand doesn't have the brains to benefit from the education he received...were he intelligent he would question religious beliefs etc. Lawyers have to be highly intellectual and question conventional ethics etc...he is not. Also I believe every1 has their price...whether they admit to it or not. BTW isn't Oprah also considered elite? She is a multibillionaire...and world renowned.

2005-01-19 [Ilivethelushlife]: well i dont really think that you have to be uber intelligent to question you personal religious beliefs.ino lotsa smart xians.i cant wait til the next election.rice and clinton.hopefully clinton will be our next pres.first female president yes!

2005-01-19 [MacaroNI ANd ChLORIne]: Yepp that'd be a big turn of events.

2005-01-19 [I'll Make You Tremble]: I would certainly hope that Hillary Clinton is not elected president. That woman could not run a country. Besides, even if she does run, she really won't win, and it's not because she's a woman, it's because she's just not fit to run this country.

2005-01-19 [The Sylvan Sorcerer]: Hah! How do you know that? Bush is fit to run a country? Please...don't make me laugh. And if u think so then I honestly wonder how u can doubt Hillary. No, I hope she wins. No matter how many ppl Bush has working for him to make it seem that he has a functional brain, he will never be fit. She has the brains to do something. The first female president of a modern superpower...of course there was Thatcher, but back then England wasn't what it is today...btw what I meant Zak is that smart xians tend to at least look a little further than what is written in the Bible...Bush can't even do that.

2005-01-19 [I'll Make You Tremble]: When did I say Bush was fit to run the country? OH thats right...I didn't. He's not. Hillary Clinton though is certainly not fit to run the country. Why are you making accusations of things you have no proof of? I never said I liked Bush I never said he was fit to run the country. I don't like him and he's not fit. I would rather some random whore run the country than have Hillary Clinton run the country. And now not only are you making accusations, you obviously didn't read what I said. Because I said I DO WANT A FEMALE president, just not her. Geeze. Try reading. And stop making accusations of what people think.

2005-01-19 [I'll Make You Tremble]: When did I say Bush was fit to run the country? OH thats right...I didn't. He's not. Hillary Clinton though is certainly not fit to run the country. Why are you making accusations of things you have no proof of? I never said I liked Bush I never said he was fit to run the country. I don't like him and he's not fit. I would rather some random whore run the country than have Hillary Clinton run the country. And now not only are you making accusations, you obviously didn't read what I said. Because I said I DO WANT A FEMALE president, just not her. Geeze. Try reading. And stop making accusations of what people think.

2005-01-19 [I'll Make You Tremble]: When did I say Bush was fit to run the country? OH thats right...I didn't. He's not. Hillary Clinton though is certainly not fit to run the country. Why are you making accusations of things you have no proof of? I never said I liked Bush I never said he was fit to run the country. I don't like him and he's not fit. I would rather some random whore run the country than have Hillary Clinton run the country. And now not only are you making accusations, you obviously didn't read what I said. Because I said I DO WANT A FEMALE president, just not her. Geeze. Try reading. And stop making accusations of what people think.

2005-01-19 [I'll Make You Tremble]: Sorry I put that twice. Computer screwed up.

2005-01-19 [I'll Make You Tremble]: Sorry I put that thrice. Computer screwed up.

2005-01-19 [I'll Make You Tremble]: No no I'm sorry all that and everything I said was directed at Elhan the Sorceror

2005-01-19 [I'll Make You Tremble]: It's okay. It's an easily made assumption. No need to apologize.

2005-01-20 [Ilivethelushlife]: fight!!!j/k anyway guys.i like hillary clinton and shes not my dream president,but between rice and clinot most def.clinton!

2005-01-20 [I'll Make You Tremble]: I would rather a monkey than clinton I really do hate that woman....alot....almost as much as I hate Paris Hilton....ALMOST

2005-01-20 [Little Red Riding Hoodrat]: hey now! two names not said in vain in my presence are that of the clinton and hilton empires!!!

2005-01-20 [The Sylvan Sorcerer]: lol and when did I say u dont want a female president? Got the point the first time u made it lol. I said she would be the first female ruler of a modern superpower. Big difference. BTW the attack wasn't directed at u (altho it sounds like it and I apologise for that). I was trying to point out that Bush is unfit to run the country. I agree...she is famous for being a whore (she isn't even, she says she doesn't like sex) and going to could do that lol :P and then there is nicky...who is just nicky lol

2005-01-20 [Little Red Riding Hoodrat]: nicky's a really good designer tho. and paris is brilliant. her business saavy is much more fine-tuned than she'd allow peopel to believe. she makes millins on stupid americans thinkign she's some sexy airhead, when really, she's a sexy genius who knwos hwo to use her appeal and wealth to get more. she has my vote if she ever runs. lol

2005-01-20 [I'll Make You Tremble]: Paris is a stupid spoiled whore. Her business probably sells skirts that ARE or I guess you could say look like (but they are big enough to be) belts. And shirts that only cover the necessity so you aren't arrested for public nudity.

2005-01-20 [I'll Make You Tremble]: And she is quite stupid. She wants to produce a record!? I doubt that slut could sing, no matter how much money she paid someone to try and make her. She has a rich daddy, and she's just plain stupid....

2005-01-20 [The Sylvan Sorcerer]: lol have u guys seen the South Park Cartoon stupid spoilt whore? Its with paris...u should see it Ill make u tremble lol ....anw bush and paris? not much daddy and both r plain stupid :D Anyway...its the old days the rich used to be educated and clever, even noble (main core of continental aristocracy was like this) they are stupid, lazy and spoilt

2005-01-20 [MacaroNI ANd ChLORIne]: Yeah, I was thinking the same thing about the Bush daughters...Slutty, Rich, and Spoiled

2005-01-20 [I'll Make You Tremble]: I have seenthat episode. And straying off the subject....Victoria's Secret magazines are the reason women get breast implants and vomit over toilets after eating...

2005-01-20 [MacaroNI ANd ChLORIne]: Yeah I agree with that.

2005-01-21 [Froya]: Agreed. I know that everytime I see a victoria secret commercial I wanna go out and shoot myself. Either that or get some kind of plastic surgery.

2005-01-21 [MacaroNI ANd ChLORIne]: well I just see it and think why kill yourself to look like that?

2005-01-21 [Froya]: I'll admitt, the women they have in the commericals are a bit too "perfect", if you will, for my taste. Its just when you're sitting at home watching a favorite show and a Victoria Secret commercial comes on, it can get ya feelin' rather down. I believe that socities portration of a beautiful or sexy woman has degrated. However, if you're not an all too pretty girl, you can get feeling even less desirable by one commerical..Which is silly but none-the-less true. I also did not mean litterally shoot myself.

2005-01-21 [Little Red Riding Hoodrat]: oh, yeah. blame the advertisements. looks really good on the women of today when they're saying "all these mini-films of sexy women in sexy lingerie make me soooo self-concious" or "she's too skinny, which means i'm too fat!!!!" it's a commercial. victoria's secret isn't a freaking big and tall, they sell lingerie to make women feel beautiful. so in their ads, the women are beautiful. if you give the ad the power to effect your self-image, it just means you had low self-esteem in the first place, which is a problem with you, not the good peopel who bring us the angels in their million dollar bras.

2005-01-21 [Little Red Riding Hoodrat]: and furthermore, do i get all bent out of fucking shape when i pass a big and tall or see them advertised? do i cop an attitude and say "well, those peopel are just too fat, i feel annorexic, big and tall stores make me feel underfed!!!" no. i take it for what it is. pretty graphics and fonts pasted together to sell products to the masses. and what would you think if you saw a commercial with a bunch of overweight ladies prancing around in teddys, thongs, bras, and wings? your first instinct would be to either bitch that the models weren't pretty enough, or die of laughter. there is no happy medium. you can slap a thong on martha stewart, and no one's gonna wanna buy it. but take that same t

2005-01-21 [Little Red Riding Hoodrat]: thing and put it on tyra's ass, and women are all abotu "ooo, that's so cute!!!" and if you'r enot, chances are you don't buy thongs from victoria's secret. in which case, why care how the advertise? it's not the ads that make women self-concious. it's women that make themselves self-concious. gettign a little too thick in the hips? run a fuckign block or two instead of sitting on your ass critiquing commercials. teach your daughters that a little jiggle can be sexy too! stop complainign about your bodies and love them. seriously.

2005-01-21 [Little Red Riding Hoodrat]: and i'm also sick of peopel (girls mainly) callign every female pop star a slut. NEWSFLASH!!! women carry on about how men judge a woman for wearing "hoochie" clothes, or call her a slut if she sleeps around, blah blah blah. but women are ten times worse!!! i hear more girls calling each other sluts than i hear guys calling actual sluts a slut!!! just because a girl is pretrty and famous and has a lot of boyfriends doesn't make her a nasty slut. it makes her me with ovaries. ;) in all seriousness, it's time for yalll to gain some more perspective and quit hatin on pretty girls.

2005-01-21 [Little Red Riding Hoodrat]: "Victoria's Secret magazines are the reason women get breast implants and vomit over toilets after eating..." and this statement i find very offensive. i was a diagnosed bulimic, and i cna tell you first hand that it's not victoria's secret that causes it. it's called an eating disorder, it's all mental. bulimia nervosa is not a joke, or something you can just brush off as soemthing peopel do to look like models. some people, [velcro_dildos] for example, have a serious illness, and i think it really unfair of you to be so non chlant abotu it in orde rto help you degrade a company's advertising choices.

2005-01-21 [Little Red Riding Hoodrat]: "Victoria's Secret magazines are the reason women get breast implants and vomit over toilets after eating..." and this statement i find very offensive. i was a diagnosed bulimic, and i cna tell you first hand that it's not victoria's secret that causes it. it's called an eating disorder, it's all mental. bulimia nervosa is not a joke, or something you can just brush off as soemthing peopel do to look like models. some people, [velcro_dildos] for example, have a serious illness, and i think it really unfair of you to be so non chlant abotu it in orde rto help you degrade a company's advertising choices.

2005-01-21 [The Sylvan Sorcerer]: I agree with seany here...sorry but firstly, its commercials and he is right...first of all not all models are skinny waifs...some are the perfect image of a woman's physique...and 135 lbs at 5ft10 (the average model of a well known house) is hardly skinny...sure, they look skinny, but these women are not actually as thin as they are made out to be...some are, but it goes by House rather than by Industry...look at Charliz Theron or Gisele for instance...they are well built women...and if they look thin, its because they're tall, not because they weigh as much as a feather... in fact a woman in that condition is far healthier than most women

2005-01-21 [The Sylvan Sorcerer]: they are lower on cellulite, have good balance and agility...Peta Williams is a model for instance, yet she is uber hardcore and is considered very fit...women have a higher fat level than men, and there is no lie...a model at about 135 lbs at 5ft10 is definitely in better condition than a woman of 5ft2 and 160 lbs...anorexic and bulimic models are few, because not every pretty woman out there suffers from an eating disorder...some exercise, others have good metabolism etc etc so stop bitching about it...accept that women have different shapes etc...anyone can be thin if they put their minds to it. Secondly, on the sluts part he is right...women are more envious of other women and prone to

2005-01-21 [The Sylvan Sorcerer]: calling them vile are even bigger sluts, so they dont really care nor do they make an issue out of it. I agree too much sluttiness is disgusting, but most women accused of being sluts arent even sluts. Thirdly, back to the models. There are many male models, though I dont think I would sit here complaining about how unfair it is that I dont look like one or smt...there is plastic surgery and the gym if u want it that badly...otherwise don't moan...ppl are obsessed with beauty and will always complain about it...tho the minute u use an ugly model, as seany pointed out, everyone whines... what I will complain about is the tendency of some fashion Houses to force their models to go

2005-01-21 [The Sylvan Sorcerer]: below an acceptable weight, both male and female...the campaign managers of these houses should be shot...too bad modelling agencies don't care about the models as much as they care about themselves. And trust me, not liking the models in the ads etc ain't gonna improve the situation...its the agencies themselves that should be reprimanded, and by the fashion industry itself. So yeah I am pro modelling, so long as models r respected... ill be honest, id like to be a model...but seeing how ppl treat them I dont know sometimes if its worth for those eating orders they are severe as seany said...not something anyone would want to have

2005-01-21 [I'll Make You Tremble]: Ads effect womens self-image no matter what!!! .seany you are obviously a man. Because you do not seem to understand how women work. We feel HORRIBLE seeing these GORGEOUS women. We wonder shit like "Why can't I be that beautiful" And then we think "God I'm soo ugly" Thats how these commercials effect us. We're women we are NATURALLY insecure. And you don't just wake up one day thinking "Puking sounds fun. I think I'll vomit up my food" You ever wonder why these people want to be skinny? I mean goddamn society today is so edgy. If your not fucking a hundred pounds or less they think you're a fat ass. They are the perfect example of a woman's "physique" THATS WHAT MAKES THE WOMEN FEEL HORRIBL

2005-01-21 [I'll Make You Tremble]: E ABOUT SEEING THEM!!!

2005-01-21 [I'll Make You Tremble]: And obviously Both of you are men, so you have no right to talk, you have no idea how women feel and what this shit makes them think. I MAY NOT BE FAT. But I'm not a model. Models make women feel horrible about themselves, they really do, maybe not on purpose, but they do. IT's jsut how it is. And because you two are male. DOn't even fucking respond to this because you don't understand. The pressures of society and all this's hard for women. Think about that.

2005-01-21 [The Sylvan Sorcerer]: female models range from 125 to 145 lbs...Charlize Theron is 145 lbs and 5ft10...she is big built yet very pretty...and she was a model...and trust me being male doesn't make us any less prone to feeling awful 'bout looks etc. They count as much to us...ok some men don't care about their physique or looks...but many of us do...instead of seeing models as something bad I rather try and emulate them...remember they are the perfect representation of beauty, and they should be seen as a goal to be reached rather than a sick reminder of our own "imperfection" or something like that...this is where the media is to blame...the media doesn't adequately explain why these men/ women r thin etc or how

2005-01-21 [The Sylvan Sorcerer]: u may get there...nor does it support just says u must look like Claudia Schiffer or Adam Senn...not that individuality is important ( amongst models too), and that often photography is used to make the models look so stunning...and that many models are not conventionally beautiful...anyway if u see a beautiful woman who is fit in the street won't that still have the same effect on u as a model ad? So should she just stop being beautiful because it offends u? One thing I will say is that women have been emancipated...fine...but if u wanna survive u have to become as tough or even tougher than men...I am totally feminist, but many women simply dont realise that its not

2005-01-21 [The Sylvan Sorcerer]: going to be easy and that if they are to be treated equally then they will have to become more ruthless to survive in a competitive society...many women go beyond this even, yet there are still those who don' for social pressures society puts them on men too...male models at least reverse the conventional belief that men should be macho jerks...sadly ppl r not very nice to gay guys (as I or seany can tell u)...even the image of a female model is that of a powerful, dominating models are reversals of gender roles...female models portray strength and power (as well as femininity and beauty), male models a gentler side of men and their beauty...

2005-01-21 [The Sylvan Sorcerer]: its all a matter of interpretation...I myself am insecure sometimes, yet there is no use in blaming models etc. instead focus on improving urself...if anything, u only strive to be better when u know u can be.

2005-01-21 [Ilivethelushlife]: brit i was actually very insulted by your arent the only ones who feel bad when they see these ads.i myself am an aspiring model.but ill never be one.why?because every male model you see is buff or built or wutever.i can totally understand low self esteem because alltho my profile makes me look concieted and vain.its all a facade.i am obsessed with models and how do you think i feel when i read every page back and front and see these beautiful people.ill admit i am shallow in a way.i am concerned with the way i look.every morning i think about how much i want to look like a supermodel.theres another thing to consider,i am "scene"according to you so you know that

2005-01-21 [Ilivethelushlife]: you're not accepted into the scene unless you're flawless.

2005-01-21 [Ilivethelushlife]: this is the first time i have ever complained about how ads make me feel.i deal with it.i get up and slap tons of makeup on and spend five hrs on my hair because i really am affected by these ads.i embrace the fact that they do make people feel badly about themselves sometimes.this comment was selfish i know but i was just giving an example.i totally agree with sean on this one.i also think its really ignorant to stereotype yourself and say that all women are self are your own person.if we were going to stereotype i could say hey!gay men are a billion times more fucking self concious.and i dont see why people complain about these ads.i really make clothes for skinny

2005-01-21 [Ilivethelushlife]: people,thats the way it is.if u want fat clothes then go to lane bryant.and if you dont like being fat then go exercise or something for christs sake.i can tell you right now that it is harder for skinny people to gain weight than fat people lose it.i have tried protein diets and everything else and have not gained one fucking pound.

2005-01-21 [Ilivethelushlife]: i really like these ads with beautiful people in them.i am aesthetic and love therefore i naturally love beautiful things.hott people exist for a model sean said noone would buy your clothes if they were modeled by fat people.overall what im trying to say is:if you really care so much about the way you look then when you get enough money then get plastic surgery.

2005-01-22 [Little Red Riding Hoodrat]: what i'm tryign to say is taht women beat themsleves and each other down so much, and then they blame their low self-esteem on advertising and society's views, instead of seeing that they are the ones putting all that blame on themselves and their peers. and to say men don't understand is a fuckign joke, especially to three gay men. we're not a group of str8 guys that leave the house in ratty jeans and a flannel with some baseball cap hiding our unwashed hair. i myself have to allow myself 2 hours of prep everyday before i go anywhere. i take my hair care, skin care, facial care, wardrobe maintenance and body image all VERY seriously. i'm the type of person who won't walk to my mailbox

2005-01-22 [Little Red Riding Hoodrat]: unless i look perfect. the problem with women is that they're lazy, bitchy, and self-pitying. instead of saying to themsleves "hey, i could look liek thta. i'm going to diet and excersize and take my beauty regiment seriously so i can look that good," they say "why can't i lookk like that? she looks like that, why can't i? oh she's just a bulimic slut." whereas, if a man wants pecs, he knows he has to work out. women just want the perfect body handed otthem, and sorry, it doesn't happen. i was bulimic for three years and i'm a compulsive shopper. i buy clothes i never even wear just to make myself happy if i'm down. don't tell me i don't understand. because obviously, i'm nto the one having

2005-01-22 [Little Red Riding Hoodrat]: a hard ime in comprehending the way this system works. a thin, stacked woman in barely anything is sexy. sex sells. sales equal profit. profit equals cash flow. ont he subject of low self-esteem and eating disorders, it's not the limited brands and their ads that give you these issues. it's your own issues, and frankly, i'm done discussing them. seems they're a subject better left to someone with a phd.

2005-01-22 [Ilivethelushlife]: me too.

2005-01-22 [Little Red Riding Hoodrat]: so, anyways, zac. how's life? *looks at the last few messages* you should start a self-image issues wiki. ;)

2005-01-22 [The Sylvan Sorcerer]: lol agreed with zak and seany...I wanna be a model too, and I, like Zak, am naturally thin...BTW Zak male models are not average one is 6ft at 175 lbs...still heavier than moi, but generally that is considered average (though 6ft isn' they are thinner)...of course that is average, many are heavier or lighter...anyway enough with that...yeh how r u zak? :P

2005-01-22 [Little Red Riding Hoodrat]: well, if you want to gain weight but not fat, eat tons of protein and work out a lot. muscle weighs more than fat. it also burns fat cells even when you're not working out. most peopel don't realize that doing an hour of weight trainign every other day makes their metabolism speed up like crazy.

2005-01-22 [Ilivethelushlife]: ummmmm creating the elitist wiki today.

2005-01-22 [The Sylvan Sorcerer]: cool ill for muscle lol I dont wanna put any on, I wanna stay thin...tho male models need to look toned (not necessarily muscular...depends on how effeminate the model is...many are rather skinny) it seems seany and I got totally carried away with the modelling msgs

2005-01-23 [Little Red Riding Hoodrat]: well, you can't tone muscle unless you work it. just don't work it too hard. (okay, that sounds bad. ;)

2005-01-23 [Little Red Riding Hoodrat]: so where's this elistist wiki now zak, i've been waiting patiently. ;)

2005-01-23 [Ilivethelushlife]: ugh im too lazy.ill create it 2morrow.

2005-01-23 [The Sylvan Sorcerer]: lol not as bad as u think seany :P anw ill wait for the new wiki to be created...see u guys then

2005-01-24 [rinaweeena]: ummm..hi

2005-01-24 [Little Red Riding Hoodrat]: wait, i still liek this wiki!!! why are we leaving? cause of stupid gurls???

2005-01-24 [The Sylvan Sorcerer]: lol we're not leavin...just waitin to see what zak does...btw hi palas :)

2005-01-24 [I'll Make You Tremble]: .seany if you're insinuating that I'm a stupid girl then I would like to inform you that you are nowhere near intelligent.

2005-01-24 [The Sylvan Sorcerer]: you can't judge a person's intelligence from their opinions alone seany...u didn't have to call her need to start a fight :P

2005-01-24 [rinaweeena]: the fact that someone judges a person bt the oppinion they have on a topic doesnt mean that person isnt inteligent,were humans,we get defensive and when all else fails we call the people that say somth against us not saying its a good thing but we all do it and our intelligence is not based on that

2005-01-24 [The Sylvan Sorcerer]: anyway enough with the arguing :) ... what do u guys think of martial arts like kung fu btw, both from the spiritual and the physical aspect of the art? The more traditional ones (kung fu) are both full of grace and explosive power and simultaneously help u calm urself. I think I might take it up in fact. Thoughts?

2005-01-25 [Little Red Riding Hoodrat]: well, i am nto callign ehr stupid for her opinions. merely for the fact that she allows advertisments to form a negative opinion of herself. and just as a word of advice, i'll make you tremble: using the queens' english doesn't make you look smarter, it makes you look like you're trying too hard. and if you don't want to be insulted, don't insult others. i believe it was you who went on a little rant about how men are stupid when it comes to "women's issues," which in my book, makes you stupid. no more questions on the matter. to me, you = stupid girl. that's my opinion. don't like it? move somewhere where freedom of expression isn't allowed. or just deal with it.

2005-01-25 [Little Red Riding Hoodrat]: and i'm not fighting with her. in order ot start a fight with her, i'd have to go out of my way to talk to her. she's the one who read my message and got all insulted and defensive. she's the one who responded to a message aimed at no one inparticular by attacking me for writing it. which, in my opinion, is a mark of her low inteligence. which goes to prove my point. women get insulted by meaningless things. too sensitive. altogether too much for the drama as well. not happy unless there are issues. no wonder no young girls i've met can keep a guy around for a longer period of time. i'm surprised there are ANY str8 boys that commit.

2005-01-25 [Little Red Riding Hoodrat]: i'll let tori explain girls now: I think your own sex can see your sex for what it is. You know the tricks of your own sex. Sometimes you can put your little play glasses on and not want to see them. But I know when another woman is flirting with one of my crew - it's so obvious and yet they can't see it. They say 'oh she's so pained' or 'she's had all this stuff happen to her'. I know a girl like this - who uses her victimness to make people feel they can't do enough for her, that nothing is ever enough. And you're like an addict. You can't spill enough blood, you can't wrap your dick into seventeen different little shapes, y'know, like those balloons. 'Here... look! Puppy! Ice cream truck

2005-01-25 [Little Red Riding Hoodrat]: !' This song is my revenge. ~Tori Amos, form Attitude magazine, May of 1998

2005-01-25 [I'll Make You Tremble]: When the fuck did I use the queens english? Who the fuck are you to judge me? You are an arrogant asshole. I know PLENTY of women that feel bad about themselves after reading an advertisement. You can go fuck yourself, you'll get more pussy that way. And not only that, try talking to women, god you're such a fucking bastard. And not ALL men are stupid when it comes to women's issues, just stupid ass men like you. pompus asshole. don't act like your intelligent when you can't even spell the word. Women are run by emotions. Get over it. Go get fucked in the ass if you don't like it. And I have had a guy in my life for six months thankyou, and still going.

2005-01-25 [I'll Make You Tremble]: You should learn about the opposite sex before you judge them.

2005-01-25 [I'll Make You Tremble]: It's fucking shovinists bastards like you (.seany) that piss me off. Of course...then again. You probably don't even know the meaning of the word shovinist.

2005-01-25 [MacaroNI ANd ChLORIne]: yeah I must say....there is alot of shovinism in this wiki

2005-01-25 [I'll Make You Tremble]: I'm not a feminist. But DAMN. Shovinists annoy the fuck outta me.

2005-01-25 [I'll Make You Tremble]: Yhea I know. And they are like....close minded bastards. They can only see things from their side and no one elses. It pisses me off so bad. I hate them more than I hate feminists. And I hate feminists alot, but not as much as shovinists.

2005-01-26 [I'll Make You Tremble]: *****Chauvinists

2005-01-26 [Little Red Riding Hoodrat]: great spelling there, hypocrite. and for the record:

2005-01-26 [Little Red Riding Hoodrat]: i don't understand womens' issues, huh? so i wasn't the guy sitting with one of my best friends in the abortion clinic while she made one of the hardest decisions of her life? i wasn't the one having ten dollars from every paycheck donated to the giving tree, a charity that supports women and children who are victims of domestic violence? i'm not the one who is trying to have RAINN (RAINN) send aide to the democratic republic of the congo to help women who are beaten and raped by rebel soldiers on an almost daily basis? i'm not the one who supports every single breast cancer charity that he can find? i'm not the one who spent the first 13 years of my life watching my mother getting k

2005-01-26 [Little Red Riding Hoodrat]: knocked around; then had to sit with my best friend orianne in the courtroom, and hold her hand while she gave the statement that put her asshole boyfriend in jail for the same thing? you don't know me at all, female. i support womens' issues probably more than you do. i just refuse to have any respect for immature little girls who try to blame their shallow, superficial "issues" on the media, instead of realizing that they're beautiful regardless of their measurments. who care sif you aren't a size 0, are you starving? are you being raped every day because your goverment sees you as little more than cattle? are you being sold into sexual slavery before you even get your first period? are yo

2005-01-26 [Little Red Riding Hoodrat]: you a victim of a true eating disorder? NO. you're an immature, whiny little girl who has no idea what it's like to have real issues, so you hide behind shallow little wishes you pass off as issues, and use real issues in a muddled form to try and justify your low self-esteem. still think i'm a chauvinist? well, for your information (or rather, for the opening of your mind), you're a homophobe. telling me to get fucked in the ass? i do. i'm a fag. looks like someone doesn't understand homosexual issues. also, someone didn't do their research on their opponent in this debate. it says i'm a fag in my house. either you're ignorant (wait, scratch that, you are ignorant), or you're just gr

2005-01-26 [Little Red Riding Hoodrat]: grasping for straws. in a very bad way. tell me to go do something i enjoy. okay! and from now on, don't talk to me. just be a good little girl, and eat my pussy

2005-01-26 [-Boi_B!tch-]: wow you bitches really are hypocrites ... telling people to be open-minded when you aren't open-minded yourself ...

2005-01-26 [Little Red Riding Hoodrat]: true dat, true dat. i'm beginning to thinkt hey don't have minds whatsoever.

2005-01-26 [-Boi_B!tch-]: eh I don't think that's the problem, I think it's that they have their heads shoved to far up their asses too even have any brain function.

2005-01-26 [Little Red Riding Hoodrat]: lmao. what pisses me off is that they act as if i have no idea how it feels to suffer from an eating disorder. i highly doubt they had to spend any time in a hospital for being emaciated. i did. and now malachy is going through it. and they just use it as an argument against advertising, as if it's no big deal, just the effects of the media's portrayl of women. and malachy and i are both men. it's like when people cry racism when they don't get their way. just a pathetic cop-out. to tell me i don't understand how it feels ot want to be perfect. why was i wretchign my guts after every meal then? they can lick my clit.

2005-01-26 [-Boi_B!tch-]: yeah, shit just cause were guys doesn't mean we don't look at a magazine and go "Oh my god, I wanna look like him ... but I'm too fat" or shit like that. I know I look at magazines and I think "If only I looked like him ..." and stuff. But you gotta also remember, half the time those pics are edited and it takes like an hour of hair and make-up to look like that AND they have good lighting and good photographers.

2005-01-26 [-Boi_B!tch-]: Course these bitches probably are ugly, so they can't really do anything about it ...

2005-01-26 [Little Red Riding Hoodrat]: well, i'm actually tryign to say that nobody is ugly, not even them. just taht they shouldn't allow the media to give them bad opinions of themselves. they should love themselve sthe way they are. but oh well, i'm just a chauvinist.

2005-01-26 [-Boi_B!tch-]: yeah sean, your SUCH a shovinist ... oh I mean chauvinist *teehee*

2005-01-26 [Little Red Riding Hoodrat]: lmao. *clears throat and mimics a girl's voice* "don't try to act intelligent when you can't even spell the word, billy."

2005-01-26 [-Boi_B!tch-]: Hey, the media makes me spell bad! So shuttup you shovinist!!!

2005-01-26 [Little Red Riding Hoodrat]: oh my god, billy, aren't David Beckham's pecs to die for? i wish i could have a six pack liek his. i'm ugly!!! wanna throw up together??? then we'll hold each other and cry about how ugly we are!!! *sobs*

2005-01-26 [-Boi_B!tch-]: omg totally! Did you know, that if you cry enough you can lose wait!? We should sooo cry together ... *teehee* oops I spelt weight wrong! Damn media

2005-01-26 [Little Red Riding Hoodrat]: lmao. i don't think we'll ever be as hot as david beckham tho. he must be a slutty tramp then...

2005-01-26 [Little Red Riding Hoodrat]: okay, so now we're being stoopid boys. i'll be the first to throw in the damned towel, which is a big move, cause i never admit i'm wrong. not that i'm admitting to that now. no, not at all. i'm just um... LOOK!!! A DUCKIE!!! *runs out of the wiki*

2005-01-26 [MacaroNI ANd ChLORIne]: HAHA...awesome.

2005-01-26 [I'll Make You Tremble]: I wouldn't eat your pussy because you don't have a pussy and even if you did, I wouldn't. And don't tell me I don't understand homosexuals, my BEST friend is a homosexual male, I also have homosexual female friends. So you can shut the fuck up because you obviously don't know ME. And all those things are womens issues, but guess what, women that aren't going through those have their problems to. And just for your information....I am a size 0. I HAVE been beaten. By my step-father. Mentally and physically. So YES I have gone through that. Most women has low self-esteem. Get used to that. Women cry in bathrooms from low self-esteem. Why do you think they invented fucking WONDER BRAS!! Women...

2005-01-26 [I'll Make You Tremble]: Wear wonder bras from low self-esteem. Women are very effected by media. And DAMNIT I am NOT a feminist in any way, I hate feminist. Because that period of time is over. We wear bras now. I just hate it when men like you think they know shit about women when they OBVIOUSLY don't. And they think that they are whiny and shallow, when they aren't. They are just run by emotions. It's their nature. A mans nature is to use logic. I'm not saying I don't use logic, because, I do in alot more cases than most women, but granted I am still a woman, so I am still by nature run by emotions. Thats just how women are. And I DO have a mine .seany. Try opening yours.

2005-01-26 [I'll Make You Tremble]: I have spent time in the hospital for an eating disorder. I used to be anorexic you idiot. Don't judge people you don't know. You don't know about my life and what I have been through. Granted some men want to be perfect too, but it's mainly women you hear about that want to be perfect and skinny, have the perfect curves and perfect ass, and perfect breasts. Partially from media, partially from their own self-image, maybe a little both. Maybe they just have a problem. I know most of those models (if not all) are airbrushed, but you still look at it and think "wow I want to be like that" you still feel like shit because you don't look THAT good, and because you want to and try and still fail.

2005-01-26 [I'll Make You Tremble]: Women SHOULD love themselves, I sound bad saying that because I don't love myself, but I probably should. It's just hard for women to love themselves. I called you a chauvinist out of anger. I'm sorry. Okay. I never said the media made me spell bad, I said the media makes women feel about about their self-image. I never called the super models slutty tramps, and if I did call them slutty tramps it wouldn't be because they look good. I would call them a slutty tramp if they WERE a slutty tramp.

2005-01-26 [-Boi_B!tch-]: okay I'm sorry to say, but if you aren't really a feminist, and all that shit. Then how come you sit here and bitch about how it's soooo terrible for women? Alot of the things you've mentioned can be (And sometimes are) issues for males as well. I'm sorry for my rude comments earlier, but you say your open-minded, but if you were truly open-minded you would realize that everyone is eqauly effected by alot of the same stuff, just some are effected on different levels ...

2005-01-26 [-Boi_B!tch-]: It may not be a majorly previlent thing within males, but alot have problems with image. And in reality, many males feel the need to be buff and macho, a real "ladies man" and what not. And society and media teaches us that men shouldn't cry, and that they need to be "strong" and save the "damsel in distress" (Which is bullshit, girls are able to do amazing things without men) so in that respect, I think guys don't have it any easier then girls may. Conflicts with self-esteem and self-image had nothing to do with gender, it's insecurities and everyone is allowed to (And almost everyone does) have insecurities. I appologize if I have come of as a bitch in this wiki ...

2005-01-26 [-Boi_B!tch-]: (Yeah I wasn't being very mature earlier, I'm sorry) but I just needed to voice my opinion (Not from the other night, I am talking about what i am saying now)

2005-01-27 [Little Red Riding Hoodrat]: i like pot. should it be legal? i say we make pot legal and outlaw the firewater. more drunks beat their partners and drive drunk and do stupid shit than the generally mellow pothead, so why not make us an even trade?

2005-01-27 [-Boi_B!tch-]: hmmm I dunno ...... I gotta think bout this one ...

2005-01-27 [MacaroNI ANd ChLORIne]: well I like Pot as much as the next person..if they were to make pot legal I think it should be somewhat like the alcohol law..I mean like you said drunken people I think are more dangerous than stoned people so why not?

2005-01-27 [I'll Make You Tremble]: Pot should so be legal. It's not bad for you, and if you're going to say it is, then know thats it not anywhere near as bad a cigerettes. No matter how much alcohol affects people they will never outlaw. Thats just how it goes. People owuld freak.

2005-01-27 [-Boi_B!tch-]: I think it should be legal. I mean, they let people with cancer use it when they have pains. I had a friend, who's dad had cancer and he'd let my friend have some of his pot. But yeah, you don't really hear about that many deaths invovling pot. As far as alcohol, and cigerettes go, yeah people die daily from that stuff. Sooooooooooo yeah, eh government and pollotics are corrupt, in my opinion ...

2005-01-27 [MacaroNI ANd ChLORIne]: yeah I'd definatly agree with that...Doctors perscribe pain killers everyday...people get addicted to those and they mess up you kidneys if you pop enough of them...not many people can get addicted to pot and like you said more people die from cigarettes and alcohol...not to mention medication perscribed by doctors.

2005-01-27 [-Boi_B!tch-]: it's more natural, so yeah it's most likely less harmful. I mean hell, as long as those people who are in that much pain are high and feeling alright, that can't be a bad thing right? And some people use it to relax, and clear there mind. Statistics prove that relieving stress and taking a moment to clear your mind is very healthy. Alot of my friends take mental health days off of school, and they are usually fairly upbeat haha

2005-01-28 [Little Red Riding Hoodrat]: i only function when i'm stoned anymore. today i did 18 boxes, cleaned the salon, shampooed a woman with hair to her ass... *rolls eyes* had i been sobe,r i'd be crying right now. lmao.

2005-01-28 [MacaroNI ANd ChLORIne]: haha yeah well I was drinking some grape soda and I was pretty blowed......I spilled it all over my white shirt.....I used a whole box of detergant on it.....atleast it got the stain out :)

2005-01-28 [Little Red Riding Hoodrat]: club soda. works everytime. the sucky thing is when you get bleach on your clothes. onyl part of workign in a salont hat really blows.

2005-01-28 [I'll Make You Tremble]: Dude. I had hair down to my ass once. I'm trying to regrow it. I hate the scen cut on girls. Seriously. Some girls can pull it off, but generally it's kinda of a manish cut. Or atleast I think so.

2005-01-29 [-Boi_B!tch-]: what's a scen cut? I am sooo lost ....

2005-01-29 [I'll Make You Tremble]: Nevermind. I don't feel like explaining the scene cut.

2005-01-30 [Little Red Riding Hoodrat]: the scene cut... i'll do it. there really are two: the mod, with the long bangs and the choppy spiky messy back. then, there's the emodork short and spiky, mainly pushed back with neckties or hankies.

2005-01-30 [-Boi_B!tch-]: Ohhh now I get it

2005-02-01 [Little Red Riding Hoodrat]: it's hideous. it makes perfectly straight girls look like lesbians. ;) kinda liek the lesbian metrosexuality.

2005-02-01 [-Boi_B!tch-]: yeah I've seen it, I personally don't like it either. But I agree with I'll Make You Tremble, some girls can pull it off

2005-02-01 [MacaroNI ANd ChLORIne]: :( I have that hair cut.

2005-02-01 [-Boi_B!tch-]: I like your hair color, mine is kinda purple, although it's turning more red now

2005-02-01 [MacaroNI ANd ChLORIne]: sweet ass.

2005-02-03 [Little Red Riding Hoodrat]: lol. sorry babe, no offense meant. i just liek long, girly hair on girls.

2005-02-03 [MacaroNI ANd ChLORIne]: oh, none taken...I don't like it much either but hey you got try new things.

2005-02-04 [I'll Make You Tremble]: Well....I thought about getting the scene cut but then I said fuck that shit.

2005-02-04 [MacaroNI ANd ChLORIne]: yeah...I wasen't about to but I trusted a friend to cut my hair so yeah it just happened to be how it worked out.

2005-02-04 [sauronslayer]: POt should be made legeal. i mean beer and wine kill way more folk. now i am not saying that pot dose not have negtive thinhg involved with it but when taken in a fair amount it is harmless. think about this, very few get hook on pot on their first try, however with a regular cancer stick, some a lot of teen and kids get hooked on their first try.

2005-02-04 [Little Red Riding Hoodrat]: i was. and i have to say pot can be mentally addictive, btu anythign can be. i know when i have a nice fat bag for liek two weeks straight, then have ot go without, i go fuckign mad. i get lots of tension headaches.

2005-02-05 [Ilivethelushlife]: iluv ure hair onearmed scissor and the scene cut on girls.iluv pot too.

2005-02-05 [I'll Make You Tremble]: Yhea pot is cool

2005-02-05 [MacaroNI ANd ChLORIne]: yeah pretty damn blowed right's fun stuff

2005-02-06 [I'll Make You Tremble]: Haha it should be legal but no the american government sucks ass

2005-02-09 [Little Red Riding Hoodrat]: but the canadien gov't is legalizing it, and at the smae time making it legal to charge people 5.00 for a shot of watered down whisky at their casinos.... bitches...

2005-02-09 [sauronslayer]: cool

2005-02-10 [-Boi_B!tch-]: I heard that the only reason that our government won't legalize it, is because they can't put taxes on it. But that's just what I heard.

2005-02-10 [Little Red Riding Hoodrat]: they won't get rid of it caus ethey make too much money off the prisons, per prsioner. most people are in prison for drugs.

2005-02-11 [-Boi_B!tch-]: Damn, that's insane

2005-02-12 [I'll Make You Tremble]: It's statistically proven that most people in jail weren't breast fed when they were children

2005-02-13 [-Boi_B!tch-]: good thing I was breast fed =) How about you guys?

2005-02-13 [I'll Make You Tremble]: I WAS

2005-02-13 [MacaroNI ANd ChLORIne]: haha I wasen't.... haha

2005-02-13 [I'll Make You Tremble]: You are going to be a criminal. Hahaha

2005-02-13 [MacaroNI ANd ChLORIne]: yeah well taking joy rides with my mom's car and getting caught is somewhat of an eye opener haha.

2005-02-14 [Ilivethelushlife]: my mom thought it felt wierd so no.

2005-02-15 [-Boi_B!tch-]: yeah my friend used to borrow her mum's van, but then her mum called the cops. It wasn't pretty. Oh wow, that was when I was dating Dontray ... (Woah, okay flashback haha sorry) Driving is such a pain, it's fun and all, and the independence is awesome, but ... there are alot of crazy drivers out there.

2005-02-15 [MacaroNI ANd ChLORIne]: yeah no kidding.

2005-02-19 [Little Red Riding Hoodrat]: i wasn't breastfed. that's why i'm gay i think. i have no use for the titties, ever.

2005-02-19 [I'll Make You Tremble]: Ha. Boobs are SOO over-rated. SEriously, they are just sacks of fat. What is guys (straight guys) obsession with boobs?

2005-02-21 [MacaroNI ANd ChLORIne]: yeah I know it's kinda funny.

2005-02-21 [-Boi_B!tch-]: Guys are easily amused. They like the fact that boobs jiggle I guess ...

2005-02-21 [Little Red Riding Hoodrat]: men have a suck complex.

2005-02-22 [rinaweeena]: i hate no individual but men for what they were,are,a and will be

2005-02-22 [I'll Make You Tremble]: I hate women. Seriously. I feel bad for the men that deal with women, they have my upmost respect. But then again I thi k it should go both ways, because guys can be assholes, and women deal with that. So we just just respect each other for dealing with the other.

2005-02-23 [rinaweeena]: im not talking about that....i know women can be like really mean but at least we didnt do half the things that men did

2005-02-25 [I'll Make You Tremble]: Women suck so bad.

2005-02-25 [The Sylvan Sorcerer]: ok im not str8 and I will say that they add femininity to a woman...anyway women don't suck...its their attitude that does...most women are way too passive...I am all for the new age executive style woman who knows what she wants...its the typical "victim" that annoys really iritate me on the whole...the new age metrosexual guy is way better...yay for new age people I guess :P

2005-03-03 [-Boi_B!tch-]: I have realized that I developed a sub-conscience prejudice towards men, especially towards straight men. I am working on it tho, because you can't hold the actions of one or many people of the same group against someone you don't even know. But the ones that hold that stereo-type are deffinately not my piece of cake.

2005-03-03 [Ilivethelushlife]: i think chicks are cool.

2005-03-03 [MacaroNI ANd ChLORIne]: honestly I hang out with alot of guys....some girls just bitch too much and worry about EVERYTHING and start alot of drama...not saying all of them are like that but the majority are.

2005-03-03 [The Sylvan Sorcerer]: Same here boi bitch,weirdly enough I am a total feminist (for instance whenever Jennifer Garner kicks male butt in Alias or Electra I am totally on her I always prefer her female opponents over the male ones...I almost always root for women) :S Not all str8 guys are bad though...I get along with quite a for gay guys, no problem unless they are flamers...I cannot stand gay ppl who act like that...the attitude of many women also pisses me off...they are too passive, too bitchy to each other and / or too complacent...I'm not saying they should sacrifice their femininity (definitely not), but they need to be more dynamic...I know a girl in my class who is like u 1 armed

2005-03-03 [The Sylvan Sorcerer]: scissor...she finds most girls too two-faced....woman need to be more up front and dynamic...and nice to each I said I am all for the new age more feminine male and the more powerful new age female

2005-03-05 [rinaweeena]: i agree that they should be nicer to each other but how can we not be two faced if society forces us to be that way?if you show people what you really are they will use it against you at one point

2005-03-05 [The Sylvan Sorcerer]: Here I agree...women (and men often) are forced into stereotyped roles...exhibiting emotion and being truthful can mean you become a victim...since women are inherently more social its even more likely that they may cross each other...even men can be (and are) deceitful towards each other because of this...its a cut-throat world :/ ur right, if women are two faced towards each other its due to social pressures

2005-04-08 [Blue Raspberries and Grape Juice]: *nods* everyone is what society makes them!

2005-04-09 [The Sylvan Sorcerer]: to a certain degree ;)

2005-04-13 [elemental]: I detest the female race, we are manipulitive, demanding, backstabing liers who are just out for an end result. I don't like guys now either because they can never be honist with me and just see me as some pus and tit. I'm scared of all people because of this but I really do like people, I've just been backstabed and lied to enough to make me hate Both genders.

2005-04-15 [The Sylvan Sorcerer]: u are being absolute, but I can see where u r coming from...most of my good friends r girls...and some guys...tho women are easier to get along with for me...well gay guys as well...I respect women way too much tho to ever see them as anything bad

2005-07-06 [Little Red Riding Hoodrat]: serious conversations are never attractive people. they cause wrinkles.

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